Sunday, February 15, 2015

Marvel/DC Review

I just finished watching the first 3 seasons of Marvel/DC on YouTube and I thought I would write a review. For those of you who don't know,  Marvel/DC is a web-series on YouTube created by the channel called ItsJustSomeRandomGuy. (RandomGuy for short.) The first 3 seasons are After Hours, (Season 1.) Happy Hour, (Seazon 2.) and Zero Hour. (Season 3.) This web-series has to be one of the best I've seen in a while, it's funny, exciting, and very interesting to watch and speculate about. And its incredibly small budget and poor special effects hardly detract from this. Sometimes it can be cheesy, (I found myself cringing at certain moments.) there are a couple of continuity errors, (Though it does acknowledge this with Deadpool coming into Zero Hour.) sometimes you can easily tell that it's 2 people doing all the voices, they used the reset buttom at one point at the end of Zero Hour, and it does that thing where it can be really quiet then really loud a few times. (Mainly in After Hours.) But these problems don't detract from the amazing storyline and characters. It's also brilliant how it helps you to appreciate certain characters and see the problems with certain tropes that are used in superhero movies today but I won't go into detail. It also plays around with certain character's personalities and motives which helps to play with expectations. I'm gonna give Marvel/DC an 8/10.

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