Thursday, February 26, 2015

Arrow 'Nanda Parbat' Review

Arrow: Season 3: Episode 15 'Nanda Parbat' aired last night in America and I wanted to share my thoughts on it. This will contain SPOILERS from the episode so if you haven't seen it, I'd say away from this post.

First off, the ending. I was not expecting that and I don't think anyone was to be honest. I expected Merlyn or Thea to get killed off or something  (Though Thea might still get a stab in the heart by Nyssa, we'll have to wait and see.) but Oliver being offered the chance to be Ra's Al Ghul came out of nowhere. Diggle was great in this episode, I kinda saw the best man thing coming after his conversation with Lyla, but he had a lot more to do and the conversations he had with Oliver were excellent. And last, but certainly not least, the A.T.O.M. suit, the suit itself looks okay, I have a few nitpicks but overall, it could have been worse and I was excited to see it in action. The music in that scene though was very cheesy but visually, the special effects looked great. I'm gonna give this episode a 9/10.

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