Gotham's biggest problem is that because it starts at a familiar point, Thomas and Martha Wayne getting shot, it's uninteresting because we know what's gonna happen, Gordon will become Commissioner at some point and resolve his issues with Barbara, Bruce will go off travelling and come back with the training necessary to become Batman, Cobblepot will become a crime boss, Nygma will go crazy and become the Riddler, the man who murdered the Waynes will be Joe Chill, Bullock will go on to hate Batman. Everything else is filler, Fish Mooney, Falcone, etc. And when the show does get opportunities for greatness, to be something different, it wastes them, the premise is the first example, Gotham before Batman, they could have set this before the Waynes' murder, show Bruce growing up, allow us to see what he was like before his parents' murders, fuck that! They wanna start from a point that fans have seen a thousand times! The second waste of an opportunity was when Gordon got Arkham as his precinct, we could have gone inside Arkham, see why it's such a terrible place to be, see why the villains keep escaping from there. Fuck that! They wanted to get things back to as they were before after 1 fucking episode! And don't get me started on Barbara! As for the good, the acting for the most part is brilliant (Barbara being the exception.) and it's entertaining to watch. I'm gonna give Gotham a 4/10.
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