Thursday, February 26, 2015

Arrow 'Nanda Parbat' Review

Arrow: Season 3: Episode 15 'Nanda Parbat' aired last night in America and I wanted to share my thoughts on it. This will contain SPOILERS from the episode so if you haven't seen it, I'd say away from this post.

First off, the ending. I was not expecting that and I don't think anyone was to be honest. I expected Merlyn or Thea to get killed off or something  (Though Thea might still get a stab in the heart by Nyssa, we'll have to wait and see.) but Oliver being offered the chance to be Ra's Al Ghul came out of nowhere. Diggle was great in this episode, I kinda saw the best man thing coming after his conversation with Lyla, but he had a lot more to do and the conversations he had with Oliver were excellent. And last, but certainly not least, the A.T.O.M. suit, the suit itself looks okay, I have a few nitpicks but overall, it could have been worse and I was excited to see it in action. The music in that scene though was very cheesy but visually, the special effects looked great. I'm gonna give this episode a 9/10.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Die Hard Review

So I bought the Die Hard Quadrilogy box set today from HMV when me and my family went to the CC. I only managed to watch 1 again so this is my review of Die Hard....

Die Hard is a brutal, suspenseful, blood-pumping action thrill ride that has you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. John McClane is a relatable and enduring protagonist from the first minutes of the movie. The excellent writing and acting from Bruce Willis shows this perfectly with him being afraid of flying, and is a vulnerable hero who is trying to help keep his family together. Hans Gruber is  a fantastic villain and remains one of the most famous action movie villains of all time and the rivalry between him and McClane that builds throughout the film is fantastic. The action scenes are well shot and look excellent. Die Hard definitely deserves a 10/10.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Marvel/DC Review

I just finished watching the first 3 seasons of Marvel/DC on YouTube and I thought I would write a review. For those of you who don't know,  Marvel/DC is a web-series on YouTube created by the channel called ItsJustSomeRandomGuy. (RandomGuy for short.) The first 3 seasons are After Hours, (Season 1.) Happy Hour, (Seazon 2.) and Zero Hour. (Season 3.) This web-series has to be one of the best I've seen in a while, it's funny, exciting, and very interesting to watch and speculate about. And its incredibly small budget and poor special effects hardly detract from this. Sometimes it can be cheesy, (I found myself cringing at certain moments.) there are a couple of continuity errors, (Though it does acknowledge this with Deadpool coming into Zero Hour.) sometimes you can easily tell that it's 2 people doing all the voices, they used the reset buttom at one point at the end of Zero Hour, and it does that thing where it can be really quiet then really loud a few times. (Mainly in After Hours.) But these problems don't detract from the amazing storyline and characters. It's also brilliant how it helps you to appreciate certain characters and see the problems with certain tropes that are used in superhero movies today but I won't go into detail. It also plays around with certain character's personalities and motives which helps to play with expectations. I'm gonna give Marvel/DC an 8/10.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


So happy that Spider-Man is going to be in the MCU at last. I know that Sony are still involved, but it's great that Spidey can finally interact with the MCU characters. Just finished watching The Flash Episode 10 'Revenge of the Rogues'. A great way to get you back into The Flash universe that was set up in the first 9 episods and a great way to get you excited for new episodes. And it's also brilliant that everyone knows that The Flash exists now. Overall, great mid-season opener.

Monday, February 2, 2015

The Flash Review

The Flash is one of my favourite shows.  All the characters, even the ones who sometimes aren't written well, are brilliantly acted and have their chance to shine. The stories and the ongoing storylines are written well and each episode promotes a lot of speculation and intrigue that leaves you eagerly awaiting the next episode. Another great thing about this show is like the original Star Wars trilogy, the characters, for the most part, act like real people, episode 5 is a great example of this as we see what has now become known as 'Team Flash' going to a bar and having a night out. My favourite characters are Barry, Dr. Wells, and Detective West. The special effects are jaw-dropping, especially for a TV show, I keep reminding myself that this isn't a movie that I'm watching. The Flash definitely deserves a 10/10.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Gotham Review

Gotham's biggest problem is that because it starts at a familiar point, Thomas and Martha Wayne getting shot, it's uninteresting because we know what's gonna happen,  Gordon will become Commissioner at some point and resolve his issues with Barbara, Bruce will go off travelling and come back with the training necessary to become Batman, Cobblepot will become a crime boss, Nygma will go crazy and become the Riddler, the man who murdered the Waynes will be Joe Chill, Bullock will go on to hate Batman. Everything else is filler, Fish Mooney, Falcone, etc. And when the show does get opportunities for greatness, to be something different, it wastes them, the premise is the first example, Gotham before Batman, they could have set this before the Waynes' murder, show Bruce growing up, allow us to see what he was like before his parents' murders, fuck that! They wanna start from a point that fans have seen a thousand times! The second waste of an opportunity was when Gordon got Arkham as his precinct, we could have gone inside Arkham, see why it's such a terrible place to be, see why the villains keep escaping from there. Fuck that! They wanted to get things back to as they were before after 1 fucking episode! And don't get me started on Barbara! As for the good, the acting for the most part is brilliant (Barbara being the exception.) and it's entertaining to watch. I'm gonna give Gotham a 4/10.