Arrow finally returns with 'The Offer'. I don't have much to say really, I loved it, but apart from that, not muvh to say. The acting, the story, all great as usual. But it doesn't promote a lot of conversation or speculation, there are some WTFs and some development but I'm not developing my own theories like I usually am with The Flash. I was also disappointed that there wasn't a scene of ATOM fighting crime or something, but I'm sure the next episode will make up for that seen as he is in the promo. I'm gonna give The Offer a 9/10.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
The Flash 'Out of Time' Review
The Flash is back and returns with a super-sonic punch of awesomeness! This episode was spectacular, new characters, plot reveals, and twists. This review will contain SPOILERS so be sure to watch the episode first.
Harrison Wells has finally been revealed to us (And Cisco before he killed him.) and.... he's Eobard Thawne, it turns out the supposedly trapped Reverse Flash in episode 9 was a recording, Eobard was mimicking being beaten to death, which, when you really think about it, makes sense. The thing that's great is that it's left up to interpretation. There's some things that won't make sense when you begin thinking about it, like how did he kill the officers if he's just a recording, how was kicking Barry's ass and being scared off by Firestorm, etc. But after thinking about it, it makes sense. Here's my theory, as soon as Reverse Flash pulled Harrison into the force field, what Eobard actually did was speed out of the room and put on the suit, when Joe smashed the generator to let the Reverse Flash out so he wouldn't kill Wells, Eobard came back into the room and killed everyone except Eddie and Joe. I also think that the tachyon generator was a recording and Eobard had already put it in the braille room. Iris finding out Barry's the Flash was unexpected and the performances by Grant Gustin and Cantice Patton were great. Weather Wizard was great too, he has more dimension than his younger brother. And last, but certainly not least, time-travel. The time-travel looked fantastic and I was surprised that there wasn't an after-title-credit scene (ATCS) like there normally is, then again, what would the teaser have been? I'm gonna give Out of Time a 10/10
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Spider-Man 2 Review
With rumours and updates flying around concerning Spider-Man joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I thought I would give my thoughts on what is largely considered to be the best Spider-Man movie, Spider-Man 2.
Spider-Man 2 is my favourite superhero movie (Possibly favourite movie.) because the characters are well written and well realised, the writing is fantastic, the brilliant direction AND it's hugely entertaining! With most of the supposedly "greatest movies of all time" like The Dark Knight is that, while they have great writing and directing, they get boring after I've watched them enough times, don't get me wrong, I love movies like The Dark Knight, (Just not The Dark Knight because it's more crime drama than Batman.) but after I've watched them 5-6 times, they're boring as fuck cause I know them inside and out. But with movies like Spider-Man 2 and Batman, (1989) you notice new things every time you watch it like references to the source material or stuff like that. After all, I've been watching this movie and its predecessor for as long as I can remember. (As well as the '89 Batman movie.)
Tobey Maguire gives a great performance as Peter Parker/Spider-Man, the problems he faces in this film, when he decides to have a life of his own is very relatable and understandable. But J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson though is absolutely hilarious and whenever he's on screen I can't help but burst out laughing. Alfred Molina as Doc Ock is one of the best villains in a superhero movie. His motivation and goals are completely understandable. The only character I have a problem with is MJ (Big shock.) because she is a whiney bitch and I just wanna punch her every time she's on screen. There is a scene where Peter offers to get some Chinese food followed up by MJ whining about her upcoming marrage to what was his name again? Aside from that, this movie is a fantastic movie and definitely deserves a 10/10.